Homeless and Foster Liaison

Youth & Families Experiencing Homelessness

Are you or someone you know in need of help and educational support for a youth or family in transition? If you know of a family that meets one of the following criteria, we are here to help. The federal definition of homelessness applies to families that are:

Living in Shelters/Transitional Housing

Domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, youth shelters, trailers provided by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), housing paid for by programs such as transitional housing, etc.

Living in Hotels/Motels

Staying in motels/hotels due to lack of adequate alternatives, regardless of who pays for the motel/hotel room.

Staying with others

Staying with other people due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason.


Staying in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings.

The McKinney-Vento Assistance Act

According to the federal law known as the McKinney-Vento Act, students who are homeless or foster youth have certain rights that ensure they receive the level of education guaranteed to all students, including, but not limited to, transportation, educational programs for which the student meets the eligibility criteria (such as federal Title I services or similar state or local programs, programs for students with disabilities, and educational programs for English learners), career and technical education programs, programs for gifted and talented students, and school nutrition programs.

If you believe you may be eligible, contact Burton Technology Academy High School Homeless Liaison to find out what services and supports may be available.

Nisha Dobbins
School Social Worker/Homeless Liaison

Student Attendance and Homelessness

Burton Tech Academy High School believes that attendance equals success. A child’s education is the single most important factor influencing their future. Regular attendance at school helps students ensure their own success, build academic confidence and develop self-esteem. Parents and guardians are essential in helping students get to school so that they can learn and succeed alongside their peers. Homelessness can be mentally, emotionally and physically taxing on students and their parents. Yet, homelessness is not a reason for parents and guardians not to send their children to school. Homelessness does not excuse chronic absenteeism and truancy. It is our hope to alleviate some of the stress families are experiencing while giving them tools and skills to navigate these difficult times. Let’s work together to help our students succeed.